Friday, June 17, 2011

Conan will be Rated-R

For those who didn't believe me when I promised that the upcoming Conan The Barbarian 3D will be rated R (I answered a question on Quora LINK,) here is a link to the red band trailer. Blood and boobs a plenty...

Red Band Trailer for Conan The Barbarian 


  1. I fall in love with Rachel Nichols...

    By the way, I hope all this violence will be not distracting. The best of any good adventure film are the great action pieces and the character themselves.

  2. Ha!

    Mr. Hood, I don't want to compromise you or anything, but can you confirm that Conan will not pray to Crom?

  3. Yes, I can confirm that Conan does not pray to Crom.

  4. Fantastic, thank you so much for that confirmation. That puts this incarnation of Conan all that much closer to the literary Conan.

    Things look good, with one exception - Momoa's natural eyes. Can you confirm that Momoa's eyes indeed will be made blue for the finished movie?

  5. I was told that his eyes will be blue.

  6. Thank's for your reply, Sean.
    Fingers crossed the powers that be haven't changed their minds in the meantime. Even if everything else looks fantastic from a visual point of view, the lack of blue eyes is ALL trailer is promo pictures is deeply disturbing.
