So, you should now check out Mark Hugh's Blog at Forbes Magazine:
The Science and Future of 3D Films, With Legend3D Founder, COO and CTO Dr. Barry Sandrew - Part 1
Mark Hughes writes: If you read my blog regularly, you know I’m a proponent of 3D filmmaking as an important and permanent part of modern filmmaking. This week, I’ll take a look at the most prominent 3D conversion studio working in Hollywood today. I’ll speak with them about the state of 3D filmmaking and some recent advances made in 3D technology. We’ll also talk about several complaints and criticisms of 3D, and how those problems are being solved (including some detailed discussion about the big advances made in Transformers: Dark of the Moon). Then we’ll tackle some of the “3D is dead” claims, and debunk the recent “study” that insisted 3D adds nothing to the filmgoing experience. And we’ll discuss the future of 3D in both cinema and television.
So read on for Part 1 of a three-part discussion with Barry Sandrew, Founder, COO and CTO of Legend3D…
Just used your feedback loop concept for a writing class I'm teaching in Poland. Thanks again Sean!